It's not breaking news that outdoor play is quintessential for children’s cognitive and motor development. Add social-emotional learning and behavioral development to the mix as well. Unlike adults who can spend days on end curled up inside the house without needing a glimpse of the outside world, children need to step out at least once a day to refresh their minds, interact with nature and reboot. Whether that means a quick Target run, a stroll in the backyard or an exploratory walk collecting leaves and following insect trails - make sure to add at least 30 minutes of outdoor time to your child’s daily routine.

Child behavioral psychologists trust it to work miracles in children. I have noticed the difference myself and we all feel happier and rejuvenated when we get our ‘outdoor’ fix each day.
What do you like to do with your family for your daily 'outdoor recalibration fix'? We would love to know. Share with us in comments below.